The project of the third semester is the text adventure Slaying Demons_. It was a more experimental project, especially for our engineers since we worked with scripting only instead of an engine.
The project should be as imersive as possible as it starts as some kind of test-game in a fantasy setting. While it looks like a game from beginning until the end there is a little twist to frighten the player a little. When progressing far enough and the whole setting changes into a cybersetting, the game starts to call the player by their name and using some images of their PC as game assets. 
Slaying Demons_ Cover

The Cover of the game. The whole image is made by Nora Symmank. I've changed the mood of the seeting by adjusting the colors, adding the glitch around the image as well as creating the logo. I've also created and included the character within the image.

All Background Assets
Assets: Cursor and Spritesheet

A spritesheet to give the same assets of the different settings the same meaning.

Throughout the game, the player will meet some characters. Besides the enemies there is also the "A.I." who is talking and leading the character.
Assets: Enemies - Fantasy Setting

The variety of enemies the player would have met. Since there are a sprite for a plant and a chest, we've decided to vreate mimicry enemies. Either the object contains an item or fights the player first.

Assets: Enemies - Cyber Setting

Even though the initial thought of enemies for the cybersetting was different, it was crucial to keep a continuity for the player to be sure which creature resembles the fantasy one.

Assets: Enemies - Unique Usage

Enemies that appear only once.

Marketing Art
Marketing Art includes everything from art used for documents and the website. Besides the presskit we have also used our logos for our own shirts and hoodies to show team spirit. This was also a good lesson for UI and logo design.
Marketing Assets

The presskit.

Website Loading gif

The loading gif when reaching the website.

Glitched Loading gif

A glitched version of the loading gif for social media.

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